Beyond Profile: From Surface-Level Facts to Deep Persona Simulation in LLMs


有名な中国の作家であるLu Xunをケーススタディとして使用して、彼の17のエッセイコレクションから派生した4つのトレーニングタスクを提案します。
これらには、外部の言語構造と知識の習得に焦点を当てたトレーニング前のタスク、および3つの微調整タスクが含まれます:多肢選択質問、生成的な質問への回答、スタイル転送、それぞれがLU Xunの内部アイデアと執筆とLLMを調整します


Previous approaches to persona simulation large language models (LLMs) have typically relied on learning basic biographical information, or using limited role-play dialogue datasets to capture a character’s responses. However, a holistic representation of an individual goes beyond surface-level facts or conversations to deeper thoughts and thinking. In this work, we introduce CharacterBot, a model designed to replicate both the linguistic patterns and distinctive thought processes of a character. Using Lu Xun, a renowned Chinese writer, as a case study, we propose four training tasks derived from his 17 essay collections. These include a pre-training task focused on mastering external linguistic structures and knowledge, as well as three fine-tuning tasks: multiple-choice question answering, generative question answering, and style transfer, each aligning the LLM with Lu Xun’s internal ideation and writing style. To optimize learning across these tasks, we introduce a CharLoRA parameter updating mechanism, where a general linguistic style expert collaborates with other task-specific experts to better study both the language style and the understanding of deeper thoughts. We evaluate CharacterBot on three tasks for linguistic accuracy and opinion comprehension, demonstrating that it significantly outperforms the baselines on our adapted metrics. We hope that this work inspires future research on deep character persona simulation LLM.


著者 Zixiao Wang,Duzhen Zhang,Ishita Agrawal,Shen Gao,Le Song,Xiuying Chen
発行日 2025-02-18 16:11:54+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク