Discrete Policy: Learning Disentangled Action Space for Multi-Task Robotic Manipulation


この作業では、マルチタスク操作スキルが可能な普遍的なエージェントをトレーニングするためのロボット学習方法である\ textBF {Disclete Policy}を提案します。
たとえば、5つのタスクを備えた現実世界のマルチタスクトレーニング設定では、個別のポリシーは、拡散ポリシーよりも26 \%高く、OpenVLAよりも15%高い平均成功率を達成します。
タスクの数が12に増加すると、離散ポリシーと拡散ポリシーのパフォーマンスギャップは32.5 \%に広がり、アプローチの利点をさらに紹介します。


Learning visuomotor policy for multi-task robotic manipulation has been a long-standing challenge for the robotics community. The difficulty lies in the diversity of action space: typically, a goal can be accomplished in multiple ways, resulting in a multimodal action distribution for a single task. The complexity of action distribution escalates as the number of tasks increases. In this work, we propose \textbf{Discrete Policy}, a robot learning method for training universal agents capable of multi-task manipulation skills. Discrete Policy employs vector quantization to map action sequences into a discrete latent space, facilitating the learning of task-specific codes. These codes are then reconstructed into the action space conditioned on observations and language instruction. We evaluate our method on both simulation and multiple real-world embodiments, including both single-arm and bimanual robot settings. We demonstrate that our proposed Discrete Policy outperforms a well-established Diffusion Policy baseline and many state-of-the-art approaches, including ACT, Octo, and OpenVLA. For example, in a real-world multi-task training setting with five tasks, Discrete Policy achieves an average success rate that is 26\% higher than Diffusion Policy and 15\% higher than OpenVLA. As the number of tasks increases to 12, the performance gap between Discrete Policy and Diffusion Policy widens to 32.5\%, further showcasing the advantages of our approach. Our work empirically demonstrates that learning multi-task policies within the latent space is a vital step toward achieving general-purpose agents.


著者 Kun Wu,Yichen Zhu,Jinming Li,Junjie Wen,Ning Liu,Zhiyuan Xu,Qinru Qiu,Jian Tang
発行日 2025-02-17 11:30:24+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク