データセットであるRaspNetのサイズが16 TBを超え、隣接する米国中のさまざまな地形と土地タイプにわたって編集された100の現実的なシナリオで構成されています。
We present a large-scale dataset for radar adaptive signal processing (RASP) applications to support the development of data-driven models within the adaptive radar community. The dataset, RASPNet, exceeds 16 TB in size and comprises 100 realistic scenarios compiled over a variety of topographies and land types from across the contiguous United States. For each scenario, RASPNet consists of 10,000 clutter realizations from an airborne radar setting, which can be used to benchmark radar and complex-valued learning algorithms. RASPNet intends to fill a prominent gap in the availability of a large-scale, realistic dataset that standardizes the evaluation of adaptive radar processing techniques and complex-valued neural networks. We outline its construction, organization, and several applications, including a transfer learning example to demonstrate how RASPNet can be used for realistic adaptive radar processing scenarios.
著者 | Shyam Venkatasubramanian,Bosung Kang,Ali Pezeshki,Muralidhar Rangaswamy,Vahid Tarokh |
発行日 | 2025-02-14 17:49:54+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google