Proper Learnability and the Role of Unlabeled Data


適切な学習とは、学習者が基礎となる仮説クラス$ h $の予測因子を放出しなければならない設定を指し、多くの場合、単純なアルゴリズム形式(例:経験的リスク最小化(ERM)、構造リスク最小化(SRM))を持つ学習者につながります。
私たちの不可能性の結果はすべて、マルチクラス分類の基本的な設定でさえも保持され、EMX学習(Ben-David et al。、2019)の削減を経て、独立した関心のある適切な分類になります。


Proper learning refers to the setting in which learners must emit predictors in the underlying hypothesis class $H$, and often leads to learners with simple algorithmic forms (e.g. empirical risk minimization (ERM), structural risk minimization (SRM)). The limitation of proper learning, however, is that there exist problems which can only be learned improperly, e.g. in multiclass classification. Thus, we ask: Under what assumptions on the hypothesis class or the information provided to the learner is a problem properly learnable? We first demonstrate that when the unlabeled data distribution is given, there always exists an optimal proper learner governed by distributional regularization, a randomized generalization of regularization. We refer to this setting as the distribution-fixed PAC model, and continue to evaluate the learner on its worst-case performance over all distributions. Our result holds for all metric loss functions and any finite learning problem (with no dependence on its size). Further, we demonstrate that sample complexities in the distribution-fixed PAC model can shrink by only a logarithmic factor from the classic PAC model, strongly refuting the role of unlabeled data in PAC learning (from a worst-case perspective). We complement this with impossibility results which obstruct any characterization of proper learnability in the realizable PAC model. First, we observe that there are problems whose proper learnability is logically undecidable, i.e., independent of the ZFC axioms. We then show that proper learnability is not a monotone property of the underlying hypothesis class, and that it is not a local property (in a precise sense). Our impossibility results all hold even for the fundamental setting of multiclass classification, and go through a reduction of EMX learning (Ben-David et al., 2019) to proper classification which may be of independent interest.


著者 Julian Asilis,Siddartha Devic,Shaddin Dughmi,Vatsal Sharan,Shang-Hua Teng
発行日 2025-02-14 18:41:53+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, stat.ML パーマリンク