Enhancing Multilingual LLM Pretraining with Model-Based Data Selection


私たちは、さまざまな言語ファミリ、スクリプト、リソースの可用性を介してFineWeb-2 Webクロールデータセットに関する包括的なアブレーション研究を実施して、メソッドの有効性を実証しています。


Dataset curation has become a basis for strong large language model (LLM) performance. While various rule-based filtering heuristics exist for English and multilingual datasets, model-based filtering techniques have primarily focused on English. To address the disparity stemming from limited research on non-English languages, we propose a model-based filtering framework for multilingual datasets that aims to identify a diverse set of structured and knowledge-rich samples. Our approach emphasizes transparency, simplicity, and efficiency, leveraging Transformer- and FastText-based classifiers to ensure the broad accessibility of our technique and data. We conduct comprehensive ablation studies on the FineWeb-2 web crawl dataset across diverse language families, scripts, and resource availability to demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. Training a 1B-parameter Llama model for 70B and 119B tokens, our approach can match the baseline MMLU score with as little as 15% of the training tokens, while also improving across other benchmarks. These findings provide strong evidence for the generalizability of our approach to other languages. As a result, we extend our framework to 20 languages for which we release the refined pretraining datasets.


著者 Bettina Messmer,Vinko Sabolčec,Martin Jaggi
発行日 2025-02-14 18:42:07+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL, cs.LG パーマリンク