Language Agents as Digital Representatives in Collective Decision-Making


この作業では、人間のエージェントの代表者の能力を習得するために\ textit {言語エージェント}をトレーニングする可能性を調査し、彼らが立つ人の好みを適切に表現します。
まず、\ textIT {Collective Decision-Making}の設定を正式に形式化します。
これに基づいて、\ textIT {デジタル表現}の問題を正式化します。エージェントの動作のシミュレーションとして、メカニズムから同等の結果を生み出します。
最後に、多様な人間の間で\ textit {Consensus-finding}の設定で実証的なケーススタディを実施し、デジタル代表者として行動するための大規模な言語モデルの微調整の実現可能性を実証します。


Consider the process of collective decision-making, in which a group of individuals interactively select a preferred outcome from among a universe of alternatives. In this context, ‘representation’ is the activity of making an individual’s preferences present in the process via participation by a proxy agent — i.e. their ‘representative’. To this end, learned models of human behavior have the potential to fill this role, with practical implications for multi-agent scenario studies and mechanism design. In this work, we investigate the possibility of training \textit{language agents} to behave in the capacity of representatives of human agents, appropriately expressing the preferences of those individuals whom they stand for. First, we formalize the setting of \textit{collective decision-making} — as the episodic process of interaction between a group of agents and a decision mechanism. On this basis, we then formalize the problem of \textit{digital representation} — as the simulation of an agent’s behavior to yield equivalent outcomes from the mechanism. Finally, we conduct an empirical case study in the setting of \textit{consensus-finding} among diverse humans, and demonstrate the feasibility of fine-tuning large language models to act as digital representatives.


著者 Daniel Jarrett,Miruna Pîslar,Michiel A. Bakker,Michael Henry Tessler,Raphael Köster,Jan Balaguer,Romuald Elie,Christopher Summerfield,Andrea Tacchetti
発行日 2025-02-13 14:35:40+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.CY, cs.LG パーマリンク