Generalizable Reinforcement Learning with Biologically Inspired Hyperdimensional Occupancy Grid Maps for Exploration and Goal-Directed Path Planning


このアプローチであるVSA-OGMは、Spiking Neural Networksとのネイティブ互換性を提供し、VSA-OGMを従来のOGMに代わる潜在的な神経形態の代替品として配置します。
この研究では、従来のOGMアプローチに対するVSA-OGMの有効性、ベイジアンヒルベルトマップ(BHM)、強化学習ベースの目標発見とパス計画フレームワーク、制御された探査環境とF1 20チャレンジに触発された自律運転シナリオを越えて、



Real-time autonomous systems utilize multi-layer computational frameworks to perform critical tasks such as perception, goal finding, and path planning. Traditional methods implement perception using occupancy grid mapping (OGM), segmenting the environment into discretized cells with probabilistic information. This classical approach is well-established and provides a structured input for downstream processes like goal finding and path planning algorithms. Recent approaches leverage a biologically inspired mathematical framework known as vector symbolic architectures (VSA), commonly known as hyperdimensional computing, to perform probabilistic OGM in hyperdimensional space. This approach, VSA-OGM, provides native compatibility with spiking neural networks, positioning VSA-OGM as a potential neuromorphic alternative to conventional OGM. However, for large-scale integration, it is essential to assess the performance implications of VSA-OGM on downstream tasks compared to established OGM methods. This study examines the efficacy of VSA-OGM against a traditional OGM approach, Bayesian Hilbert Maps (BHM), within reinforcement learning based goal finding and path planning frameworks, across a controlled exploration environment and an autonomous driving scenario inspired by the F1-Tenth challenge. Our results demonstrate that VSA-OGM maintains comparable learning performance across single and multi-scenario training configurations while improving performance on unseen environments by approximately 47%. These findings highlight the increased generalizability of policy networks trained with VSA-OGM over BHM, reinforcing its potential for real-world deployment in diverse environments.


著者 Shay Snyder,Ryan Shea,Andrew Capodieci,David Gorsich,Maryam Parsa
発行日 2025-02-13 15:10:45+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.NE, cs.RO パーマリンク