Federated Data-Driven Kalman Filtering for State Estimation


FedKalManNetは、関連するシステムの不確実性マトリックス(つまり、Kalman Gain)を推定することにより、各車両によってそれ自体をローカライズするために使用されます。
Carla Autonomous Driving Simulatorで実施された広範な実験および評価研究は、リアルタイムのV2X通信を必要とせずに車両をローカライズする際に、最先端の共同意思決定アプローチよりもFedKalManNetの優れたパフォーマンスを強調しています。


This paper proposes a novel localization framework based on collaborative training or federated learning paradigm, for highly accurate localization of autonomous vehicles. More specifically, we build on the standard approach of KalmanNet, a recurrent neural network aiming to estimate the underlying system uncertainty of traditional Extended Kalman Filtering, and reformulate it by the adapt-then-combine concept to FedKalmanNet. The latter is trained in a distributed manner by a group of vehicles (or clients), with local training datasets consisting of vehicular location and velocity measurements, through a global server aggregation operation. The FedKalmanNet is then used by each vehicle to localize itself, by estimating the associated system uncertainty matrices (i.e, Kalman gain). Our aim is to actually demonstrate the benefits of collaborative training for state estimation in autonomous driving, over collaborative decision-making which requires rich V2X communication resources for measurement exchange and sensor fusion under real-time constraints. An extensive experimental and evaluation study conducted in CARLA autonomous driving simulator highlights the superior performance of FedKalmanNet over state-of-the-art collaborative decision-making approaches, in localizing vehicles without the need of real-time V2X communication.


著者 Nikos Piperigkos,Alexandros Gkillas,Christos Anagnostopoulos,Aris S. Lalos
発行日 2025-02-13 10:23:56+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.RO パーマリンク