Equivariant Imaging(EI)の正則化は、地上の真実データを必要とせずに、深いイメージングネットワークの監視されていないトレーニングのための事実上の技術となっています。
Equivariant Imaging (EI) regularization has become the de-facto technique for unsupervised training of deep imaging networks, without any need of ground-truth data. Observing that the EI-based unsupervised training paradigm currently has significant computational redundancy leading to inefficiency in high-dimensional applications, we propose a sketched EI regularization which leverages the randomized sketching techniques for acceleration. We then extend our sketched EI regularization to develop an accelerated deep internal learning framework, Sketched Equivariant Deep Image Prior (Sk-EI-DIP), which can be efficiently applied for single-image and task-adapted reconstruction. Additionally, for network adaptation tasks, we propose a parameter-efficient approach for accelerating both EI-DIP and Sk-EI-DIP via optimizing only the normalization layers. Our numerical study on X-ray CT and multi-coil MRI image reconstruction tasks demonstrate that our approach can achieve significant computational acceleration over standard EI-based counterpart in single-input setting and network adaptation at test time.
著者 | Guixian Xu,Jinglai Li,Junqi Tang |
発行日 | 2025-02-12 17:43:56+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google