Referring Remote Sensing Image Segmentation via Bidirectional Alignment Guided Joint Prediction


これらの問題に取り組むために、ビジョン言語のギャップを埋め、マルチスケールの特徴の相互作用を強化し、微調整されたオブジェクトの分化を改善するために設計された新しいフレームワークである\ Oursを提案します。


Referring Remote Sensing Image Segmentation (RRSIS) is critical for ecological monitoring, urban planning, and disaster management, requiring precise segmentation of objects in remote sensing imagery guided by textual descriptions. This task is uniquely challenging due to the considerable vision-language gap, the high spatial resolution and broad coverage of remote sensing imagery with diverse categories and small targets, and the presence of clustered, unclear targets with blurred edges. To tackle these issues, we propose \ours, a novel framework designed to bridge the vision-language gap, enhance multi-scale feature interaction, and improve fine-grained object differentiation. Specifically, \ours introduces: (1) the Bidirectional Spatial Correlation (BSC) for improved vision-language feature alignment, (2) the Target-Background TwinStream Decoder (T-BTD) for precise distinction between targets and non-targets, and (3) the Dual-Modal Object Learning Strategy (D-MOLS) for robust multimodal feature reconstruction. Extensive experiments on the benchmark datasets RefSegRS and RRSIS-D demonstrate that \ours achieves state-of-the-art performance. Specifically, \ours improves the overall IoU (oIoU) by 3.76 percentage points (80.57) and 1.44 percentage points (79.23) on the two datasets, respectively. Additionally, it outperforms previous methods in the mean IoU (mIoU) by 5.37 percentage points (67.95) and 1.84 percentage points (66.04), effectively addressing the core challenges of RRSIS with enhanced precision and robustness.


著者 Tianxiang Zhang,Zhaokun Wen,Bo Kong,Kecheng Liu,Yisi Zhang,Peixian Zhuang,Jiangyun Li
発行日 2025-02-12 15:21:18+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク