フィルタリングネットワークのパフォーマンスは、目に見えない合成およびin vivoの人為的なシーケンスを使用して評価されました。
in vivoデータセットの結果により、合成データとシミュレートされたアーティファクトのみで訓練されているにもかかわらず、ネットワークの強力な一般化機能が確認されました。
提案された方法のソースコードとフィルタリング結果のビデオファイルの例は、\ href {https://github.com/mahditabassian/deepturtutter-filtering/tree/main} {https://github.comで利用できます。
This study presents a deep convolutional autoencoder network for filtering reverberation clutter from transthoracic echocardiographic (TTE) image sequences. Given the spatiotemporal nature of this type of clutter, the filtering network employs 3D convolutional layers to suppress it throughout the cardiac cycle. The design of the network incorporates two key features that contribute to the effectiveness of the filter: 1) an attention mechanism for focusing on cluttered regions and leveraging contextual information, and 2) residual learning for preserving fine image structures. To train the network, a diverse set of artifact patterns was simulated and superimposed onto ultra-realistic synthetic TTE sequences from six ultrasound vendors, generating input for the filtering network. The artifact-free sequences served as ground-truth. Performance of the filtering network was evaluated using unseen synthetic and in vivo artifactual sequences. Results from the in vivo dataset confirmed the network’s strong generalization capabilities, despite being trained solely on synthetic data and simulated artifacts. The suitability of the filtered sequences for downstream processing was assessed by computing segmental strain curves. A significant reduction in the discrepancy between strain profiles computed from cluttered and clutter-free segments was observed after filtering the cluttered sequences with the proposed network. The trained network processes a TTE sequence in a fraction of a second, enabling real-time clutter filtering and potentially improving the precision of clinically relevant indices derived from TTE sequences. The source code of the proposed method and example video files of the filtering results are available at: \href{https://github.com/MahdiTabassian/Deep-Clutter-Filtering/tree/main}{https://github.com/MahdiTabassian/Deep-Clutter-Filtering/tree/main}.
著者 | Mahdi Tabassian,Somayeh Akbari,Sandro Queirós,Jan D’hooge |
発行日 | 2025-02-12 18:15:16+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google