The Combined Problem of Online Task Assignment and Lifelong Path Finding in Logistics Warehouses: A Case Study


中国最大のショッピングプラットフォームの1つである\ textit {meituan}の倉庫シナリオで実施されたシミュレーション実験は、(a)〜\ textit {時間効率の観点から}、私たちのシステムは必要な実行時間の83.77%のみを必要としていることを示しています。
Meituanで現在展開されているシステムの場合、8.09 \%で他のSotaアルゴリズムを上回っています。
(b)〜\ textit {経済効率の観点から}、私たちのものは、現在使用中のエージェントの60%だけで同じスループットを達成できます。


We study the combined problem of online task assignment and lifelong path finding, which is crucial for the logistics industries. However, most literature either (1) focuses on lifelong path finding assuming a given task assigner, or (2) studies the offline version of this problem where tasks are known in advance. We argue that, to maximize the system throughput, the online version that integrates these two components should be tackled directly. To this end, we introduce a formal framework of the combined problem and its solution concept. Then, we design a rule-based lifelong planner under a practical robot model that works well even in environments with severe local congestion. Upon that, we automate the search for the task assigner with respect to the underlying path planner. Simulation experiments conducted in warehouse scenarios at \textit{Meituan}, one of the largest shopping platforms in China, demonstrate that (a)~\textit{in terms of time efficiency}, our system requires only 83.77\% of the execution time needed for the currently deployed system at Meituan, outperforming other SOTA algorithms by 8.09\%; (b)~\textit{in terms of economic efficiency}, ours can achieve the same throughput with only 60\% of the agents currently in use.


著者 Fengming Zhu,Fangzhen Lin,Weijia Xu,Yifei Guo
発行日 2025-02-11 07:51:20+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.MA, cs.RO パーマリンク