Swarm Roboticsでは、分散型制御が、集中制御のよりスケーラブルで断層耐性の代替品として提案されることがよくあります。
集中化されたアプローチが有利になると予想される3つのパフォーマンスメトリックの観点からアプローチを比較します – カバレッジの完全性、カバレッジの均一性、スイープ完了時間 – と、分散化されたアプローチに利点があると予想される2つのメトリック – スケーラビリティ
In swarm robotics, decentralized control is often proposed as a more scalable and fault-tolerant alternative to centralized control. However, centralized behaviors are often faster and more efficient than their decentralized counterparts. In any given application, the goals and constraints of the task being solved should guide the choice to use centralized control, decentralized control, or a combination of the two. Currently, the exact trade-offs that exist between centralization and decentralization are not well defined. In this paper, we study comparative performance assessment between centralization and decentralization in the example task of sweep coverage, across five different types of multi-robot control structures: random walk, decentralized with beacons, hybrid formation control using self-organizing hierarchy, centralized formation control, and predetermined. In all five approaches, the coverage task is completed by a group of ground robots. In each approach, except for the random walk, the ground robots are assisted by UAVs, acting as supervisors or beacons. We compare the approaches in terms of three performance metrics for which centralized approaches are expected to have an advantage — coverage completeness, coverage uniformity, and sweep completion time — and two metrics for which decentralized approaches are expected to have an advantage — scalability (4, 8, or 16 ground robots) and fault tolerance (0%, 25%, 50%, or 75% ground robot failure). Finally, we discuss future work on combining the advantages of both in one system.
著者 | Aryo Jamshidpey,Mostafa Wahby,Michael Allwright,Weixu Zhu,Marco Dorigo,Mary Katherine Heinrich |
発行日 | 2025-02-10 22:56:23+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google