VL-Nav: Real-time Vision-Language Navigation with Spatial Reasoning


低電力ロボットに効率的な空間推論を統合する新しいVision-Language Navigation(VL-NAV)システムを提示します。
驚くべきことに、VL-NAVは、Jetson Orin NXを使用して30 Hzのリアルタイム周波数で動作し、効率的なビジョン言語ナビゲーションを実施する能力を強調しています。


Vision-language navigation in unknown environments is crucial for mobile robots. In scenarios such as household assistance and rescue, mobile robots need to understand a human command, such as ‘find a person wearing black’. We present a novel vision-language navigation (VL-Nav) system that integrates efficient spatial reasoning on low-power robots. Unlike prior methods that rely on a single image-level feature similarity to guide a robot, our method integrates pixel-wise vision-language features with curiosity-driven exploration. This approach enables robust navigation to human-instructed instances across diverse environments. We deploy VL-Nav on a four-wheel mobile robot and evaluate its performance through comprehensive navigation tasks in both indoor and outdoor environments, spanning different scales and semantic complexities. Remarkably, VL-Nav operates at a real-time frequency of 30 Hz with a Jetson Orin NX, highlighting its ability to conduct efficient vision-language navigation. Results show that VL-Nav achieves an overall success rate of 86.3%, outperforming previous methods by 44.15%.


著者 Yi Du,Taimeng Fu,Zhuoqun Chen,Bowen Li,Shaoshu Su,Zhipeng Zhao,Chen Wang
発行日 2025-02-10 06:05:38+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.RO パーマリンク