Regularized Q-Learning with Linear Function Approximation



{\ em dower}レベルの最適化問題は、Bellmanの再帰最適性条件を満たす値関数近似を識別することを目的としており、{\ em Upper}レベルは、ベクターのスパンへの投影を見つけることを目的としています。


Regularized Markov Decision Processes serve as models of sequential decision making under uncertainty wherein the decision maker has limited information processing capacity and/or aversion to model ambiguity. With functional approximation, the convergence properties of learning algorithms for regularized MDPs (e.g. soft Q-learning) are not well understood because the composition of the regularized Bellman operator and a projection onto the span of basis vectors is not a contraction with respect to any norm. In this paper, we consider a bi-level optimization formulation of regularized Q-learning with linear functional approximation. The {\em lower} level optimization problem aims to identify a value function approximation that satisfies Bellman’s recursive optimality condition and the {\em upper} level aims to find the projection onto the span of basis vectors. This formulation motivates a single-loop algorithm with finite time convergence guarantees. The algorithm operates on two time-scales: updates to the projection of state-action values are `slow’ in that they are implemented with a step size that is smaller than the one used for `faster’ updates of approximate solutions to Bellman’s recursive optimality equation. We show that, under certain assumptions, the proposed algorithm converges to a stationary point in the presence of Markovian noise. In addition, we provide a performance guarantee for the policies derived from the proposed algorithm.


著者 Jiachen Xi,Alfredo Garcia,Petar Momcilovic
発行日 2025-02-10 17:59:05+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI パーマリンク