これはさらに、「最適なアイテムカバレッジ」 – 最適な品揃えの各アイテムが履歴データに十分に頻繁に表示されることが十分であり、効率的なオフライン学習に必要であることを示しています。
We study the fundamental problem of offline assortment optimization under the Multinomial Logit (MNL) model, where sellers must determine the optimal subset of the products to offer based solely on historical customer choice data. While most existing approaches to learning-based assortment optimization focus on the online learning of the optimal assortment through repeated interactions with customers, such exploration can be costly or even impractical in many real-world settings. In this paper, we consider the offline learning paradigm and investigate the minimal data requirements for efficient offline assortment optimization. To this end, we introduce Pessimistic Rank-Breaking (PRB), an algorithm that combines rank-breaking with pessimistic estimation. We prove that PRB is nearly minimax optimal by establishing the tight suboptimality upper bound and a nearly matching lower bound. This further shows that ‘optimal item coverage’ – where each item in the optimal assortment appears sufficiently often in the historical data – is both sufficient and necessary for efficient offline learning. This significantly relaxes the previous requirement of observing the complete optimal assortment in the data. Our results provide fundamental insights into the data requirements for offline assortment optimization under the MNL model.
著者 | Yuxuan Han,Han Zhong,Miao Lu,Jose Blanchet,Zhengyuan Zhou |
発行日 | 2025-02-10 18:54:41+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google