HetSwarm: Cooperative Navigation of Heterogeneous Swarm in Dynamic and Dense Environments through Impedance-based Guidance


地上ロボットは、障害物近くで45 cmの平均偏差を示し、効果的な衝突回避を確認しました。


With the growing demand for efficient logistics and warehouse management, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are emerging as a valuable complement to automated guided vehicles (AGVs). UAVs enhance efficiency by navigating dense environments and operating at varying altitudes. However, their limited flight time, battery life, and payload capacity necessitate a supporting ground station. To address these challenges, we propose HetSwarm, a heterogeneous multi-robot system that combines a UAV and a mobile ground robot for collaborative navigation in cluttered and dynamic conditions. Our approach employs an artificial potential field (APF)-based path planner for the UAV, allowing it to dynamically adjust its trajectory in real time. The ground robot follows this path while maintaining connectivity through impedance links, ensuring stable coordination. Additionally, the ground robot establishes temporal impedance links with low-height ground obstacles to avoid local collisions, as these obstacles do not interfere with the UAV’s flight. Experimental validation of HetSwarm in diverse environmental conditions demonstrated a 90% success rate across 30 test cases. The ground robot exhibited an average deviation of 45 cm near obstacles, confirming effective collision avoidance. Extensive simulations in the Gym PyBullet environment further validated the robustness of our system for real-world applications, demonstrating its potential for dynamic, real-time task execution in cluttered environments.


著者 Malaika Zafar,Roohan Ahmed Khan,Aleksey Fedoseev,Kumar Katyayan Jaiswal,Dzmitry Tsetserukou
発行日 2025-02-10 17:53:16+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク