Lost in Time: Clock and Calendar Understanding Challenges in Multimodal LLMs


これを容易にするために、2つのサブセットで構成される構造化されたデータセットをキュレーションしました:1)$ \ textit {clockqa} $。
-HAND CLOCKS $-$と時間関連の質問とペアリング。
および2)$ \ textit {calendarqa} $。これは、一般的に既知の日付(クリスマス、元日)から計算派生(100年目または153日目の15日目)に至るまでの質問を含む年間カレンダー画像で構成されています。


Understanding time from visual representations is a fundamental cognitive skill, yet it remains a challenge for multimodal large language models (MLLMs). In this work, we investigate the capabilities of MLLMs in interpreting time and date through analogue clocks and yearly calendars. To facilitate this, we curated a structured dataset comprising two subsets: 1) $\textit{ClockQA}$, which comprises various types of clock styles$-$standard, black-dial, no-second-hand, Roman numeral, and arrow-hand clocks$-$paired with time related questions; and 2) $\textit{CalendarQA}$, which consists of yearly calendar images with questions ranging from commonly known dates (e.g., Christmas, New Year’s Day) to computationally derived ones (e.g., the 100th or 153rd day of the year). We aim to analyse how MLLMs can perform visual recognition, numerical reasoning, and temporal inference when presented with time-related visual data. Our evaluations show that despite recent advancements, reliably understanding time remains a significant challenge for MLLMs.


著者 Rohit Saxena,Aryo Pradipta Gema,Pasquale Minervini
発行日 2025-02-07 17:11:23+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.CV パーマリンク