DCFormer: Efficient 3D Vision-Language Modeling with Decomposed Convolutions


Vision-Language Models(VLMS)は、視覚表現とテキスト表現を調整し、2D医療イメージングで高性能のゼロショット分類と画像テキスト検索を可能にします。
既存の3D VLMは、自己attentionの二次の複雑さ、またはカーネルサイズが増加するにつれて過剰なパラメーターとフロップを必要とする3D畳み込みのために計算上高価な視覚変圧器(VITS)に依存しています。


Vision-language models (VLMs) align visual and textual representations, enabling high-performance zero-shot classification and image-text retrieval in 2D medical imaging. However, extending VLMs to 3D medical imaging remains computationally challenging. Existing 3D VLMs rely on Vision Transformers (ViTs), which are computationally expensive due to self-attention’s quadratic complexity, or 3D convolutions, which demand excessive parameters and FLOPs as kernel size increases. We introduce DCFormer, an efficient 3D medical image encoder that factorizes 3D convolutions into three parallel 1D convolutions along depth, height, and width. This design preserves spatial information while significantly reducing computational cost. Integrated into a CLIP-based vision-language framework, DCFormer is evaluated on CT-RATE, a dataset of 50,188 paired 3D chest CT volumes and radiology reports, for zero-shot multi-abnormality detection across 18 pathologies. Compared to ViT, ConvNeXt, PoolFormer, and TransUNet, DCFormer achieves superior efficiency and accuracy, with DCFormer-Tiny reaching 62.0% accuracy and a 46.3% F1-score while using significantly fewer parameters. These results highlight DCFormer’s potential for scalable, clinically deployable 3D medical VLMs. Our codes will be publicly available.


著者 Gorkem Can Ates,Kuang Gong,Wei Shao
発行日 2025-02-07 17:10:22+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク