A Transformation-based Consistent Estimation Framework: Analysis, Design and Applications


さらに、それぞれT-EKF 1およびT-EKF 2と呼ばれる2つの同等の一貫した変換ベースのEKF推定器を提案します。
T-EKF 1は、一貫した推定のために変換されたシステムを使用しますが、T-EKF 2は元のシステムを活用しますが、変換からの状態および共分散補正を通じて一貫性を保証します。


In this paper, we investigate the inconsistency problem arising from observability mismatch that frequently occurs in nonlinear systems such as multi-robot cooperative localization and simultaneous localization and mapping. For a general nonlinear system, we discover and theoretically prove that the unobservable subspace of the EKF estimator system is independent of the state and belongs to the unobservable subspace of the original system. On this basis, we establish the necessary and sufficient conditions for achieving observability matching. These theoretical findings motivate us to introduce a linear time-varying transformation to achieve a transformed system possessing a state-independent unobservable subspace. We prove the existence of such transformations and propose two design methodologies for constructing them. Moreover, we propose two equivalent consistent transformation-based EKF estimators, referred to as T-EKF 1 and T-EKF 2, respectively. T-EKF 1 employs the transformed system for consistent estimation, whereas T-EKF 2 leverages the original system but ensures consistency through state and covariance corrections from transformations. To validate our proposed methods, we conduct experiments on several representative examples, including multi-robot cooperative localization, multi-source target tracking, and 3D visual-inertial odometry, demonstrating that our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance in terms of accuracy, consistency, computational efficiency, and practical realizations.


著者 Ning Hao,Chungeng Tian,Fenghua He
発行日 2025-02-07 15:28:07+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク