WorldSense: Evaluating Real-world Omnimodal Understanding for Multimodal LLMs




In this paper, we introduce WorldSense, the first benchmark to assess the multi-modal video understanding, that simultaneously encompasses visual, audio, and text inputs. In contrast to existing benchmarks, our WorldSense has several features: (i) collaboration of omni-modality, we design the evaluation tasks to feature a strong coupling of audio and video, requiring models to effectively utilize the synergistic perception of omni-modality; (ii) diversity of videos and tasks, WorldSense encompasses a diverse collection of 1,662 audio-visual synchronised videos, systematically categorized into 8 primary domains and 67 fine-grained subcategories to cover the broad scenarios, and 3,172 multi-choice QA pairs across 26 distinct tasks to enable the comprehensive evaluation; (iii) high-quality annotations, all the QA pairs are manually labeled by 80 expert annotators with multiple rounds of correction to ensure quality. Based on our WorldSense, we extensively evaluate various state-of-the-art models. The experimental results indicate that existing models face significant challenges in understanding real-world scenarios (48.0% best accuracy). We hope our WorldSense can provide a platform for evaluating the ability in constructing and understanding coherent contexts from omni-modality.


著者 Jack Hong,Shilin Yan,Jiayin Cai,Xiaolong Jiang,Yao Hu,Weidi Xie
発行日 2025-02-06 18:59:40+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV パーマリンク