このホワイトペーパーでは、Hard View Pretraining(HVP)を提案します。これは、SSLプレイング中にモデルをより挑戦的なサンプルにさらすことにより、ランダムビューの生成を拡張する学習フリー戦略です。
その結果、HVPはDino VIT-B/16に新しい最先端を設定し、78.8%の線形評価精度(0.6%改善)に達し、100と300のエポック前削除で1%の一貫したゲインに達し、
Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) methods typically rely on random image augmentations, or views, to make models invariant to different transformations. We hypothesize that the efficacy of pretraining pipelines based on conventional random view sampling can be enhanced by explicitly selecting views that benefit the learning progress. A simple yet effective approach is to select hard views that yield a higher loss. In this paper, we propose Hard View Pretraining (HVP), a learning-free strategy that extends random view generation by exposing models to more challenging samples during SSL pretraining. HVP encompasses the following iterative steps: 1) randomly sample multiple views and forward each view through the pretrained model, 2) create pairs of two views and compute their loss, 3) adversarially select the pair yielding the highest loss according to the current model state, and 4) perform a backward pass with the selected pair. In contrast to existing hard view literature, we are the first to demonstrate hard view pretraining’s effectiveness at scale, particularly training on the full ImageNet-1k dataset, and evaluating across multiple SSL methods, ConvNets, and ViTs. As a result, HVP sets a new state-of-the-art on DINO ViT-B/16, reaching 78.8% linear evaluation accuracy (a 0.6% improvement) and consistent gains of 1% for both 100 and 300 epoch pretraining, with similar improvements across transfer tasks in DINO, SimSiam, iBOT, and SimCLR.
著者 | Fabio Ferreira,Ivo Rapant,Jörg K. H. Franke,Frank Hutter |
発行日 | 2025-02-06 12:39:59+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google