AttentionPredictor: Temporal Pattern Matters for Efficient LLM Inference


ただし、これらの方法は、注意スコアの\ textit {時間パターン}を無視して、LLMパフォーマンスで顕著な分解をもたらすため、重要なトークンを正確に決定するのに苦労しています。
注意情報のほとんどを保持することにより、AttentionPredictorは、同等のLLMパフォーマンスで16 $ \ Times $ KVキャッシュ圧縮を達成し、最先端を大幅に上回ります。


With the development of large language models (LLMs), efficient inference through Key-Value (KV) cache compression has attracted considerable attention, especially for long-context generation. To compress the KV cache, recent methods identify critical KV tokens through heuristic ranking with attention scores. However, these methods often struggle to accurately determine critical tokens as they neglect the \textit{temporal patterns} in attention scores, resulting in a noticeable degradation in LLM performance. To address this challenge, we propose AttentionPredictor, which is the first learning-based critical token identification approach. Specifically, AttentionPredictor learns a lightweight convolution model to capture spatiotemporal patterns and predict the next-token attention score. An appealing feature of AttentionPredictor is that it accurately predicts the attention score while consuming negligible memory. Moreover, we propose a cross-token critical cache prefetching framework that hides the token estimation time overhead to accelerate the decoding stage. By retaining most of the attention information, AttentionPredictor achieves 16$\times$ KV cache compression with comparable LLM performance, significantly outperforming the state-of-the-art.


著者 Qingyue Yang,Jie Wang,Xing Li,Zhihai Wang,Chen Chen,Lei Chen,Xianzhi Yu,Wulong Liu,Jianye Hao,Mingxuan Yuan,Bin Li
発行日 2025-02-06 13:41:46+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL, cs.LG パーマリンク