TUMTraffic-VideoQA: A Benchmark for Unified Spatio-Temporal Video Understanding in Traffic Scenes




We present TUMTraffic-VideoQA, a novel dataset and benchmark designed for spatio-temporal video understanding in complex roadside traffic scenarios. The dataset comprises 1,000 videos, featuring 85,000 multiple-choice QA pairs, 2,300 object captioning, and 5,700 object grounding annotations, encompassing diverse real-world conditions such as adverse weather and traffic anomalies. By incorporating tuple-based spatio-temporal object expressions, TUMTraffic-VideoQA unifies three essential tasks-multiple-choice video question answering, referred object captioning, and spatio-temporal object grounding-within a cohesive evaluation framework. We further introduce the TUMTraffic-Qwen baseline model, enhanced with visual token sampling strategies, providing valuable insights into the challenges of fine-grained spatio-temporal reasoning. Extensive experiments demonstrate the dataset’s complexity, highlight the limitations of existing models, and position TUMTraffic-VideoQA as a robust foundation for advancing research in intelligent transportation systems. The dataset and benchmark are publicly available to facilitate further exploration.


著者 Xingcheng Zhou,Konstantinos Larintzakis,Hao Guo,Walter Zimmer,Mingyu Liu,Hu Cao,Jiajie Zhang,Venkatnarayanan Lakshminarasimhan,Leah Strand,Alois C. Knoll
発行日 2025-02-04 16:14:40+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, DeepL

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク