Swin transformers are robust to distribution and concept drift in endoscopy-based longitudinal rectal cancer assessment


SWINと2つの畳み込み(RESNET-50、wideresNet-50)、およびVision Transformer(VIT)モデルをトレーニングおよび評価して、プライベートデータセットと分散除外でLRを検出するために評価されました(OOD


Endoscopic images are used at various stages of rectal cancer treatment starting from cancer screening, diagnosis, during treatment to assess response and toxicity from treatments such as colitis, and at follow up to detect new tumor or local regrowth (LR). However, subjective assessment is highly variable and can underestimate the degree of response in some patients, subjecting them to unnecessary surgery, or overestimate response that places patients at risk of disease spread. Advances in deep learning has shown the ability to produce consistent and objective response assessment for endoscopic images. However, methods for detecting cancers, regrowth, and monitoring response during the entire course of patient treatment and follow-up are lacking. This is because, automated diagnosis and rectal cancer response assessment requires methods that are robust to inherent imaging illumination variations and confounding conditions (blood, scope, blurring) present in endoscopy images as well as changes to the normal lumen and tumor during treatment. Hence, a hierarchical shifted window (Swin) transformer was trained to distinguish rectal cancer from normal lumen using endoscopy images. Swin as well as two convolutional (ResNet-50, WideResNet-50), and vision transformer (ViT) models were trained and evaluated on follow-up longitudinal images to detect LR on private dataset as well as on out-of-distribution (OOD) public colonoscopy datasets to detect pre/non-cancerous polyps. Color shifts were applied using optimal transport to simulate distribution shifts. Swin and ResNet models were similarly accurate in the in-distribution dataset. Swin was more accurate than other methods (follow-up: 0.84, OOD: 0.83) even when subject to color shifts (follow-up: 0.83, OOD: 0.87), indicating capability to provide robust performance for longitudinal cancer assessment.


著者 Jorge Tapias Gomez,Aneesh Rangnekar,Hannah Williams,Hannah Thompson,Julio Garcia-Aguilar,Joshua Jesse Smith,Harini Veeraraghavan
発行日 2025-01-30 16:01:20+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, eess.IV パーマリンク