Neural Discovery in Mathematics: Do Machines Dream of Colored Planes?


これにより、2つの新しい6色の発見に最も著しくつながった許容可能な構成の勾配ベースの探索が可能になり、30年ぶりの最初の改善が元の問題の外角変異体になります(Mundinger et al。、2024a)。


We demonstrate how neural networks can drive mathematical discovery through a case study of the Hadwiger-Nelson problem, a long-standing open problem from discrete geometry and combinatorics about coloring the plane avoiding monochromatic unit-distance pairs. Using neural networks as approximators, we reformulate this mixed discrete-continuous geometric coloring problem as an optimization task with a probabilistic, differentiable loss function. This enables gradient-based exploration of admissible configurations that most significantly led to the discovery of two novel six-colorings, providing the first improvements in thirty years to the off-diagonal variant of the original problem (Mundinger et al., 2024a). Here, we establish the underlying machine learning approach used to obtain these results and demonstrate its broader applicability through additional results and numerical insights.


著者 Konrad Mundinger,Max Zimmer,Aldo Kiem,Christoph Spiegel,Sebastian Pokutta
発行日 2025-01-30 17:44:34+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, math.CO パーマリンク