More Expressive Attention with Negative Weights


COG Attencesという名前の新しい注意メカニズムを提案します。これにより、2つの重要な要因に由来する、表現力の向上のために注意の重みが負になります。(1)COGの注意はパラメーターの柔軟性を高めます。
たとえば、静的出力値(OV)マトリックスを使用してヘッドが出席する入力を削除またはコピーする従来のソフトマックスの注意ヘッドとは異なり、COG Attenceは自然にDynamic Query-Key(QK)内製品のサインを使用することを学びます。
一方、COG AttenceのOVマトリックスは、改良または変更により重点を置くことができます。


We propose a novel attention mechanism, named Cog Attention, that enables attention weights to be negative for enhanced expressiveness, which stems from two key factors: (1) Cog Attention enhances parameter flexibility. For example, unlike traditional softmax attention heads that use a static output-value (OV) matrix to delete or copy inputs that the heads attend to, Cog Attention naturally learns to use the sign of dynamic query-key (QK) inner products to represent these operations. This enables Cog Attention to perform multiple operations simultaneously within a single head. Meanwhile, Cog Attention’s OV matrix can focus more on refinement or modification. (2) Cog Attention enhances the model’s robustness against representational collapse by preventing the “over-squashing” of earlier tokens into later positions. We develop Transformer-like models which use Cog Attention as attention modules, including decoder-only models at various scales for language modeling and U-ViT diffusion models for image generation. Experiments show that models using Cog Attention exhibit superior performance compared to those employing traditional softmax attention modules. Our approach suggests a promising research direction for rethinking and breaking the entrenched constraints of traditional softmax attention, such as the requirement for non-negative weights.


著者 Ang Lv,Ruobing Xie,Shuaipeng Li,Jiayi Liao,Xingwu Sun,Zhanhui Kang,Di Wang,Rui Yan
発行日 2025-01-30 18:17:13+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.LG パーマリンク