EvidenceMap: Learning Evidence Analysis to Unleash the Power of Small Language Models for Biomedical Question Answering


実験結果は、66mのパラメーターを使用した言語モデルを微調整する方法が、参照ベースの品質と精度でそれぞれ8B LLM x 19.9%および5.7%でRAGメソッドを超えることを示しています。


When addressing professional questions in the biomedical domain, humans typically acquire multiple pieces of information as evidence and engage in multifaceted evidence analysis to provide high-quality answers. Current LLM-based answer generation methods lack a detailed definition and learning process for evidence analysis, leading to the risk of error propagation and hallucinations while using evidence. Although increasing the parameter size of LLMs can alleviate these issues, it also presents challenges in model training and deployment with limited resources. In this study, we propose EvidenceMap, which aims to enable a tiny pre-trained language model to explicitly learn multiple aspects of biomedical evidence, including supportive evaluation, logical correlation and content summarization, thereby latently guiding a small generative model (around 3B parameters) to provide textual responses. Experimental results demonstrate that our method, fine-tuning a language model with 66M parameters, exceeds the RAG method with an 8B LLM by 19.9% and 5.7% in reference-based quality and accuracy, respectively.


著者 Chang Zong,Jian Wan,Siliang Tang,Lei Zhang
発行日 2025-01-30 07:11:06+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: 68T50, cs.AI, cs.CL パーマリンク