Acquiring Submillimeter-Accurate Multi-Task Vision Datasets for Computer-Assisted Orthopedic Surgery


この作業では、3D再構成とオープン整形外科手術での特徴マッチングに合わせて調整された現実的で正確なex vivoデータセットを生成するアプローチを探ります。
このフレームワークの各ステップを、実際の手術室の条件下で実施した豚脊椎を使用して、ex vivo脊柱側osis症の手術に関する評価を評価します。
3Dグラウンドトゥルースに関して、0.35 mmの平均3Dユークリッド誤差が達成されます。
提案された方法は、0.1 mmの空間分解能を持つサブミリメーターの正確な3Dグラウンドトゥルースと外科的画像をもたらします。


Advances in computer vision, particularly in optical image-based 3D reconstruction and feature matching, enable applications like marker-less surgical navigation and digitization of surgery. However, their development is hindered by a lack of suitable datasets with 3D ground truth. This work explores an approach to generating realistic and accurate ex vivo datasets tailored for 3D reconstruction and feature matching in open orthopedic surgery. A set of posed images and an accurately registered ground truth surface mesh of the scene are required to develop vision-based 3D reconstruction and matching methods suitable for surgery. We propose a framework consisting of three core steps and compare different methods for each step: 3D scanning, calibration of viewpoints for a set of high-resolution RGB images, and an optical-based method for scene registration. We evaluate each step of this framework on an ex vivo scoliosis surgery using a pig spine, conducted under real operating room conditions. A mean 3D Euclidean error of 0.35 mm is achieved with respect to the 3D ground truth. The proposed method results in submillimeter accurate 3D ground truths and surgical images with a spatial resolution of 0.1 mm. This opens the door to acquiring future surgical datasets for high-precision applications.


著者 Emma Most,Jonas Hein,Frédéric Giraud,Nicola A. Cavalcanti,Lukas Zingg,Baptiste Brument,Nino Louman,Fabio Carrillo,Philipp Fürnstahl,Lilian Calvet
発行日 2025-01-28 15:56:14+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク