Evaluation of NMT-Assisted Grammar Transfer for a Multi-Language Configurable Data-to-Text System


これらの構成は、Surface RealizerおよびDocument Planning段階で使用され、出力を生成します。
Sportsett:Basketball Datasetでの評価は、NLGシステムがうまく機能し、翻訳タスクにおける文法的正しさを強調していることを示しています。


One approach for multilingual data-to-text generation is to translate grammatical configurations upfront from the source language into each target language. These configurations are then used by a surface realizer and in document planning stages to generate output. In this paper, we describe a rule-based NLG implementation of this approach where the configuration is translated by Neural Machine Translation (NMT) combined with a one-time human review, and introduce a cross-language grammar dependency model to create a multilingual NLG system that generates text from the source data, scaling the generation phase without a human in the loop. Additionally, we introduce a method for human post-editing evaluation on the automatically translated text. Our evaluation on the SportSett:Basketball dataset shows that our NLG system performs well, underlining its grammatical correctness in translation tasks.


著者 Andreas Madsack,Johanna Heininger,Adela Schneider,Ching-Yi Chen,Christian Eckard,Robert Weißgraeber
発行日 2025-01-27 15:25:26+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク