Advanced Driving-Assistance Systems(ADAS)は、ドライバータスクを自動化し、運転と車両の安全性を向上させることを目的としています。
このシステムは、Xilinx ZynQプログラマブルシステムオンチップ(PSOC)のフィールドプログラム可能なゲートアレイ(FPGA)デバイスを使用して正常に実装されています。
Advanced driving-assistance systems (ADAS) are intended to automatize driver tasks, as well as improve driving and vehicle safety. This work proposes an intelligent neuro-fuzzy sensor for driving style (DS) recognition, suitable for ADAS enhancement. The development of the driving style intelligent sensor uses naturalistic driving data from the SHRP2 study, which includes data from a CAN bus, inertial measurement unit, and front radar. The system has been successfully implemented using a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) device of the Xilinx Zynq programmable system-on-chip (PSoC). It can mimic the typical timing parameters of a group of drivers as well as tune these typical parameters to model individual DSs. The neuro-fuzzy intelligent sensor provides high-speed real-time active ADAS implementation and is able to personalize its behavior into safe margins without driver intervention. In particular, the personalization procedure of the time headway (THW) parameter for an ACC in steady car following was developed, achieving a performance of 0.53 microseconds. This performance fulfilled the requirements of cutting-edge active ADAS specifications.
著者 | Óscar Mata-Carballeira,Jon Gutiérrez-Zaballa,Inés del Campo,Victoria Martínez |
発行日 | 2025-01-27 17:04:12+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google