The Perceived Danger (PD) Scale: Development and Validation


このギャップを埋めるために、私たちは認識される危険の定義を提供し、4 つの研究を通じて 12 項目の二因子尺度を開発および検証しました。
探索的因子分析により、感情状態、身体的脆弱性、不気味さ、認知的準備状態という知覚された危険の 4 つの下位次元が明らかになりました。


There are currently no psychometrically valid tools to measure the perceived danger of robots. To fill this gap, we provided a definition of perceived danger and developed and validated a 12-item bifactor scale through four studies. An exploratory factor analysis revealed four subdimensions of perceived danger: affective states, physical vulnerability, ominousness, and cognitive readiness. A confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the bifactor model. We then compared the perceived danger scale to the Godspeed perceived safety scale and found that the perceived danger scale is a better predictor of empirical data. We also validated the scale in an in-person setting and found that the perceived danger scale is sensitive to robot speed manipulations, consistent with previous empirical findings. Results across experiments suggest that the perceived danger scale is reliable, valid, and an adequate predictor of both perceived safety and perceived danger in human-robot interaction contexts.


著者 Jaclyn Molan,Laura Saad,Eileen Roesler,J. Malcolm McCurry,Nathaniel Gyory,J. Gregory Trafton
発行日 2025-01-23 21:14:55+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク