Enhancing Robotic Precision in Construction: A Modular Factor Graph-Based Framework to Deflection and Backlash Compensation Using High-Accuracy Accelerometers


床、壁、天井などの複雑な作業スペースに到達するには、長い運動連鎖を備えたロボット システムが必要です。
私たちの方法では、ファクター グラフの定式化に基づくモジュール式フレームワークを採用し、加速度測定を活用して運動連鎖の状態を推定し、モデルに情報を与えます。
提案された方法は、最先端の仮想ジョイント方法と比較して、xy 平面の $95\%$ エラーしきい値を $50\%$ 削減し、ベース チルト補償を組み込んだ場合には $31\%$ 削減します。


Accurate positioning is crucial in the construction industry, where labor shortages highlight the need for automation. Robotic systems with long kinematic chains are required to reach complex workspaces, including floors, walls, and ceilings. These requirements significantly impact positioning accuracy due to effects such as deflection and backlash in various parts along the kinematic chain. In this work, we introduce a novel approach that integrates deflection and backlash compensation models with high-accuracy accelerometers, significantly enhancing position accuracy. Our method employs a modular framework based on a factor graph formulation to estimate the state of the kinematic chain, leveraging acceleration measurements to inform the model. Extensive testing on publicly released datasets, reflecting real-world construction disturbances, demonstrates the advantages of our approach. The proposed method reduces the $95\%$ error threshold in the xy-plane by $50\%$ compared to the state-of-the-art Virtual Joint Method, and by $31\%$ when incorporating base tilt compensation.


著者 Julien Kindle,Michael Loetscher,Andrea Alessandretti,Cesar Cadena,Marco Hutter
発行日 2025-01-24 06:51:48+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク