Graph Optimality-Aware Stochastic LiDAR Bundle Adjustment with Progressive Spatial Smoothing


これらの問題に対処するために、プログレッシブ空間スムージング、すなわちPSS-GOSOを備えたグラフの最適性を認識している確率的最適化スキームを提案して、\ textit {robust}、\ textit {efficive}、および\ textit {scalable} lbaを実現します。
Progressive Spatial Smoothing(PSS)モジュール抽出\ TextIT {robust} lidar特徴的な関連付けは、多項式滑らかなカーネルによって得られた以前の構造情報を活用しています。
グラフの最適性 – アウェア確率的最適化(GOSO)モジュールは、\ textit {Efficient}最適化の最適性に応じてグラフを最初にスパースします。
GOSOは、確率的クラスタリングとグラフの疎外を利用して、\ textit {scalable} lbaの大規模な状態推定問題を解決します。
プロジェクトページは、\ url {}にあります。


Large-scale LiDAR Bundle Adjustment (LBA) to refine sensor orientation and point cloud accuracy simultaneously to build the navigation map is a fundamental task in logistics and robotics. Unlike pose-graph-based methods that rely solely on pairwise relationships between LiDAR frames, LBA leverages raw LiDAR correspondences to achieve more precise results, especially when initial pose estimates are unreliable for low-cost sensors. However, existing LBA methods face challenges such as simplistic planar correspondences, extensive observations, and dense normal matrices in the least-squares problem, which limit robustness, efficiency, and scalability. To address these issues, we propose a Graph Optimality-aware Stochastic Optimization scheme with Progressive Spatial Smoothing, namely PSS-GOSO, to achieve \textit{robust}, \textit{efficient}, and \textit{scalable} LBA. The Progressive Spatial Smoothing (PSS) module extracts \textit{robust} LiDAR feature association exploiting the prior structure information obtained by the polynomial smooth kernel. The Graph Optimality-aware Stochastic Optimization (GOSO) module first sparsifies the graph according to optimality for an \textit{efficient} optimization. GOSO then utilizes stochastic clustering and graph marginalization to solve the large-scale state estimation problem for a \textit{scalable} LBA. We validate PSS-GOSO across diverse scenes captured by various platforms, demonstrating its superior performance compared to existing methods. Moreover, the resulting point cloud maps are used for automatic last-mile delivery in large-scale complex scenes. The project page can be found at: \url{}.


著者 Jianping Li,Thien-Minh Nguyen,Muqing Cao,Shenghai Yuan,Tzu-Yi Hung,Lihua Xie
発行日 2025-01-23 02:34:56+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク