EICopilot: Search and Explore Enterprise Information over Large-scale Knowledge Graphs with LLM-driven Agents


Baidu Enterprise Searchを介してチャットボットとして展開されたEicopilotは、大規模な言語モデル(LLM)を利用して自然言語の質問を解釈することにより、このランドスケープを改善します。
経験的評価は、速度と精度を含むエイコピロットの優れたパフォーマンスをベースラインメソッドよりも、\ emph {full mask}バリアントを10.00%の低いものに達成し、最大82.14%の実行正しさを実現します。


The paper introduces EICopilot, an novel agent-based solution enhancing search and exploration of enterprise registration data within extensive online knowledge graphs like those detailing legal entities, registered capital, and major shareholders. Traditional methods necessitate text-based queries and manual subgraph explorations, often resulting in time-consuming processes. EICopilot, deployed as a chatbot via Baidu Enterprise Search, improves this landscape by utilizing Large Language Models (LLMs) to interpret natural language queries. This solution automatically generates and executes Gremlin scripts, providing efficient summaries of complex enterprise relationships. Distinct feature a data pre-processing pipeline that compiles and annotates representative queries into a vector database of examples for In-context learning (ICL), a comprehensive reasoning pipeline combining Chain-of-Thought with ICL to enhance Gremlin script generation for knowledge graph search and exploration, and a novel query masking strategy that improves intent recognition for heightened script accuracy. Empirical evaluations demonstrate the superior performance of EICopilot, including speed and accuracy, over baseline methods, with the \emph{Full Mask} variant achieving a syntax error rate reduction to as low as 10.00% and an execution correctness of up to 82.14%. These components collectively contribute to superior querying capabilities and summarization of intricate datasets, positioning EICopilot as a groundbreaking tool in the exploration and exploitation of large-scale knowledge graphs for enterprise information search.


著者 Yuhui Yun,Huilong Ye,Xinru Li,Ruojia Li,Jingfeng Deng,Li Li,Haoyi Xiong
発行日 2025-01-23 15:22:25+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.IR パーマリンク