PairingNet: A Learning-based Pair-searching and -matching Network for Image Fragments


提案したネットワークを忠実に評価するために、完全な画像を不規則なフラグメントに分割するように設計したアルゴリズムを通じて、新しい画像フラグメント データセットを作成しました。


In this paper, we propose a learning-based image fragment pair-searching and -matching approach to solve the challenging restoration problem. Existing works use rule-based methods to match similar contour shapes or textures, which are always difficult to tune hyperparameters for extensive data and computationally time-consuming. Therefore, we propose a neural network that can effectively utilize neighbor textures with contour shape information to fundamentally improve performance. First, we employ a graph-based network to extract the local contour and texture features of fragments. Then, for the pair-searching task, we adopt a linear transformer-based module to integrate these local features and use contrastive loss to encode the global features of each fragment. For the pair-matching task, we design a weighted fusion module to dynamically fuse extracted local contour and texture features, and formulate a similarity matrix for each pair of fragments to calculate the matching score and infer the adjacent segment of contours. To faithfully evaluate our proposed network, we created a new image fragment dataset through an algorithm we designed that tears complete images into irregular fragments. The experimental results show that our proposed network achieves excellent pair-searching accuracy, reduces matching errors, and significantly reduces computational time. Details, sourcecode, and data are available in our supplementary material.


著者 Rixin Zhou,Ding Xia,Yi Zhang,Honglin Pang,Xi Yang,Chuntao Li
発行日 2025-01-22 11:30:49+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.GR パーマリンク