Optimal Transport for Domain Adaptation through Gaussian Mixture Models


機械学習システムは、トレーニング データとテスト データが固定確率分布からサンプリングされるという前提に基づいて動作します。
この研究では、ソース GMM とターゲット GMM のコンポーネントの観点から便宜的に記述されるガウス混合モデル (GMM) 間の最適な輸送を調査します。
合計 $85$ の適応タスクを含む 9 つのベンチマークを実験し、私たちの方法が以前の浅い領域の適応方法よりも効率的であり、サンプル数 $n$ と次元 $d$ に合わせて適切に拡張できることを示しました。


Machine learning systems operate under the assumption that training and test data are sampled from a fixed probability distribution. However, this assumptions is rarely verified in practice, as the conditions upon which data was acquired are likely to change. In this context, the adaptation of the unsupervised domain requires minimal access to the data of the new conditions for learning models robust to changes in the data distribution. Optimal transport is a theoretically grounded tool for analyzing changes in distribution, especially as it allows the mapping between domains. However, these methods are usually computationally expensive as their complexity scales cubically with the number of samples. In this work, we explore optimal transport between Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs), which is conveniently written in terms of the components of source and target GMMs. We experiment with 9 benchmarks, with a total of $85$ adaptation tasks, showing that our methods are more efficient than previous shallow domain adaptation methods, and they scale well with number of samples $n$ and dimensions $d$.


著者 Eduardo Fernandes Montesuma,Fred Maurice Ngolè Mboula,Antoine Souloumiac
発行日 2025-01-22 12:47:49+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG, stat.ML パーマリンク