Multifractal hopscotch in ‘Hopscotch’ by Julio Cortazar


ここでは、フリオ・コルタサルの「石けり遊び」を表す文長変動 (SLV) 時系列を定量分析し、​​その分布タイプ、長期記憶効果、および潜在的なマルチスケール パターンを特定する試みを行います。
ただし、左側の非対称性を伴う SLV ダイナミクスの豊富なマルチフラクタル性の明らかな証拠は、3 つの言語バージョンすべてと、章の順序が異なるバージョンで観察されます。


Punctuation is the main factor introducing correlations in natural language written texts and it crucially impacts their overall effectiveness, expressiveness, and readability. Punctuation marks at the end of sentences are of particular importance as their distribution can determine various complexity features of written natural language. Here, the sentence length variability (SLV) time series representing ‘Hopscotch’ by Julio Cortazar are subjected to quantitative analysis with an attempt to identify their distribution type, long-memory effects, and potential multiscale patterns. The analyzed novel is an important and innovative piece of literature whose essential property is freedom of movement between its building blocks given to a reader by the author. The statistical consequences of this freedom are closely investigated in both the original, Spanish version of the novel, and its translations into English and Polish. Clear evidence of rich multifractality in the SLV dynamics, with a left-sided asymmetry, however, is observed in all three language versions as well as in the versions with differently ordered chapters.


著者 Jakub Dec,Michał Dolina,Stanisław Drożdż,Jarosław Kwapień,Tomasz Stanisz
発行日 2025-01-22 15:28:24+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク