ELEGNT: Expressive and Functional Movement Design for Non-anthropomorphic Robot


リサーチスルーデザイン手法を使用して、ハードウェア設計プロセスを文書化し、表現力豊かな動きプリミティブを定義し、一連のインタラクション シナリオ ストーリーボードの概要を説明します。
6 つのタスク シナリオにわたって表情主導の動きと機能主導の動きを比較したユーザー調査を通じて、表情主導の動きがユーザー エンゲージメントと知覚されるロボットの品質を大幅に向上させることが判明しました。


Nonverbal behaviors such as posture, gestures, and gaze are essential for conveying internal states, both consciously and unconsciously, in human interaction. For robots to interact more naturally with humans, robot movement design should likewise integrate expressive qualities, such as intention, attention, and emotions, alongside traditional functional considerations like task fulfillment and time efficiency. In this paper, we present the design and prototyping of a lamp-like robot that explores the interplay between functional and expressive objectives in movement design. Using a research-through-design methodology, we document the hardware design process, define expressive movement primitives, and outline a set of interaction scenario storyboards. We propose a framework that incorporates both functional and expressive utilities during movement generation, and implement the robot behavior sequences in different function- and social- oriented tasks. Through a user study comparing expression-driven versus function-driven movements across six task scenarios, our findings indicate that expression-driven movements significantly enhance user engagement and perceived robot qualities. This effect is especially pronounced in social-oriented tasks.


著者 Yuhan Hu,Peide Huang,Mouli Sivapurapu,Jian Zhang
発行日 2025-01-21 20:43:33+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.HC, cs.RO, I.2.9 パーマリンク