Measured Hockey-Stick Divergence and its Applications to Quantum Pufferfish Privacy


ホッケースティックの発散は、古典データと量子データのプライバシーを確​​保するいくつかの統計的プライバシー フレームワークを特徴付ける基本的な量です。
このような量子プライバシー フレームワークでは、敵対者はすべての可能な測定を実行できます。
特に、測定されたホッケースティックの発散が、量子フグのプライバシー フレームワークにおける最適なプライバシー パラメーターを特徴付けることを示します。


The hockey-stick divergence is a fundamental quantity characterizing several statistical privacy frameworks that ensure privacy for classical and quantum data. In such quantum privacy frameworks, the adversary is allowed to perform all possible measurements. However, in practice, there are typically limitations to the set of measurements that can be performed. To this end, here, we comprehensively analyze the measured hockey-stick divergence under several classes of practically relevant measurement classes. We prove several of its properties, including data processing and convexity. We show that it is efficiently computable by semi-definite programming for some classes of measurements and can be analytically evaluated for Werner and isotropic states. Notably, we show that the measured hockey-stick divergence characterizes optimal privacy parameters in the quantum pufferfish privacy framework. With this connection and the developed technical tools, we enable methods to quantify and audit privacy for several practically relevant settings. Lastly, we introduce the measured hockey-stick divergence of channels and explore its applications in ensuring privacy for channels.


著者 Theshani Nuradha,Vishal Singh,Mark M. Wilde
発行日 2025-01-21 18:39:48+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CR, cs.IT, cs.LG, math.IT, quant-ph パーマリンク