Surrogate-based multiscale analysis of experiments on thermoplastic composites under off-axis loading


この論文では、軸外荷重下での一方向熱可塑性複合材料の一定ひずみ速度およびクリープ実験をモデル化するためのサロゲートベースのマルチスケール アプローチを紹介します。
以前の寄稿では、これらの実験は、巨視的均一性を仮定した単一スケールのマイクロメカニカル シミュレーションを通じてモデル化されました。
ただし、フルフィールドのマルチスケール シミュレーションは依然として計算量が法外です。
この問題に対処するために、マイクロモデルを物理リカレント ニューラル ネットワーク (PRNN) に置き換えます。PRNN は、データ駆動型コンポーネントと埋め込み構成モデルを組み合わせて、履歴に依存する動作を自然にキャプチャする代理モデルです。


In this paper, we present a surrogate-based multiscale approach to model constant strain-rate and creep experiments on unidirectional thermoplastic composites under off-axis loading. In previous contributions, these experiments were modeled through a single-scale micromechanical simulation under the assumption of macroscopic homogeneity. Although efficient and accurate in many scenarios, simulations with low-off axis angles showed significant discrepancies with the experiments. It was hypothesized that the mismatch was caused by macroscopic inhomogeneity, which would require a multiscale approach to capture it. However, full-field multiscale simulations remain computationally prohibitive. To address this issue, we replace the micromodel with a Physically Recurrent Neural Network (PRNN), a surrogate model that combines data-driven components with embedded constitutive models to capture history-dependent behavior naturally. The explainability of the latent space of this network is also explored in a transfer learning strategy that requires no re-training. With the surrogate-based simulations, we confirm the hypothesis raised on the inhomogeneity of the macroscopic strain field and gain insights into the influence of adjustment of the experimental setup with oblique end-tabs. Results from the surrogate-based multiscale approach show better agreement with experiments than the single-scale micromechanical approach over a wide range of settings, although with limited accuracy on the creep experiments, where macroscopic test effects were implicitly taken into account in the material properties calibration.


著者 M. A. Maia,I. B. C. M. Rocha,D. Kovačević,F. P. van der Meer
発行日 2025-01-17 13:39:10+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cond-mat.mtrl-sci, cs.LG, cs.NA, math.NA パーマリンク