New Fashion Products Performance Forecasting: A Survey on Evolutions, Models and Emerging Trends


ファスト ファッション業界では、新しいスタイルと迅速な生産サイクルに対する飽くなき要求が、重大な環境負荷を引き起こしています。
しかし、ファッションの売上を予測する際の重要な課題の 1 つは、消費者の好みの動的な性質です。
この問題は、New Fashion Products Performance Forecasting (NFPPF) としても知られており、最近、世界的な研究環境でますます関心が高まっています。
NFPPF の分野はその学際的な性質を考慮して、さまざまな角度からアプローチされてきました。
この包括的な調査では、学習ベースの NFPPF 戦略に焦点を当てた最新の概要を提供したいと考えています。
この調査は、体系的レビューとメタ分析のための優先報告項目 (PRISMA) 方法論フローに基づいており、体系的かつ完全な文献レビューが可能です。
特に、NFPPF の学習パノラマをカバーする最初の分類法を提案し、マルチモーダル情報の量を増やすために使用されるさまざまな方法論と利用可能な最先端のデータセットを詳細に検討します。


The fast fashion industry’s insatiable demand for new styles and rapid production cycles has led to a significant environmental burden. Overproduction, excessive waste, and harmful chemicals have contributed to the negative environmental impact of the industry. To mitigate these issues, a paradigm shift that prioritizes sustainability and efficiency is urgently needed. Integrating learning-based predictive analytics into the fashion industry represents a significant opportunity to address environmental challenges and drive sustainable practices. By forecasting fashion trends and optimizing production, brands can reduce their ecological footprint while remaining competitive in a rapidly changing market. However, one of the key challenges in forecasting fashion sales is the dynamic nature of consumer preferences. Fashion is acyclical, with trends constantly evolving and resurfacing. In addition, cultural changes and unexpected events can disrupt established patterns. This problem is also known as New Fashion Products Performance Forecasting (NFPPF), and it has recently gained more and more interest in the global research landscape. Given its multidisciplinary nature, the field of NFPPF has been approached from many different angles. This comprehensive survey wishes to provide an up-to-date overview that focuses on learning-based NFPPF strategies. The survey is based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) methodological flow, allowing for a systematic and complete literature review. In particular, we propose the first taxonomy that covers the learning panorama for NFPPF, examining in detail the different methodologies used to increase the amount of multimodal information, as well as the state-of-the-art available datasets. Finally, we discuss the challenges and future directions.


著者 Andrea Avogaro,Luigi Capogrosso,Andrea Toaiari,Franco Fummi,Marco Cristani
発行日 2025-01-17 17:56:27+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.LG パーマリンク