Contributions to the Decision Theoretic Foundations of Machine Learning and Robust Statistics under Weakly Structured Information


したがって、この研究の絶対的な核心は、寄稿 1 から 10 という名前で 5 ページにリストされている 10 件の出版物によって形成されています。これらの記事の完全版への参照もこのリストに含まれており、可能な限り簡単にアクセスできるようにしています。
この論文に続く章、つまりパート A からパート C と結論は、論文をより大きな科学的文脈の中に置き、それぞれの内容をあまり形式的ではないレベルで (簡単に) 説明し、将来の研究のためのいくつかの興味深い視点を強調するのに役立ちます。


This habilitation thesis is cumulative and, therefore, is collecting and connecting research that I (together with several co-authors) have conducted over the last few years. Thus, the absolute core of the work is formed by the ten publications listed on page 5 under the name Contributions 1 to 10. The references to the complete versions of these articles are also found in this list, making them as easily accessible as possible for readers wishing to dive deep into the different research projects. The chapters following this thesis, namely Parts A to C and the concluding remarks, serve to place the articles in a larger scientific context, to (briefly) explain their respective content on a less formal level, and to highlight some interesting perspectives for future research in their respective contexts. Naturally, therefore, the following presentation has neither the level of detail nor the formal rigor that can (hopefully) be found in the papers. The purpose of the following text is to provide the reader an easy and high-level access to this interesting and important research field as a whole, thereby, advertising it to a broader audience.


著者 Christoph Jansen
発行日 2025-01-17 13:39:51+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, stat.ML パーマリンク