Conformal Prediction Sets with Improved Conditional Coverage using Trust Scores


標準の等角予測はカバレッジに関してわずかな保証を提供しますが、予測セットが真に役立つためには、理想的には各テスト ポイントの条件付きカバレッジを保証する必要があります。
この洞察に動機付けられて、我々は、予測に対する分類器の信頼度と、ベイズ分類器からの偏差を測定するノンパラメトリック信頼スコアという 2 つの変数の削減されたセットに基づいてカバレッジを条件とする等角予測の変形を開発します。


Standard conformal prediction offers a marginal guarantee on coverage, but for prediction sets to be truly useful, they should ideally ensure coverage conditional on each test point. Unfortunately, it is impossible to achieve exact, distribution-free conditional coverage in finite samples. In this work, we propose an alternative conformal prediction algorithm that targets coverage where it matters most–in instances where a classifier is overconfident in its incorrect predictions. We start by dissecting miscoverage events in marginally-valid conformal prediction, and show that miscoverage rates vary based on the classifier’s confidence and its deviation from the Bayes optimal classifier. Motivated by this insight, we develop a variant of conformal prediction that targets coverage conditional on a reduced set of two variables: the classifier’s confidence in a prediction and a nonparametric trust score that measures its deviation from the Bayes classifier. Empirical evaluation on multiple image datasets shows that our method generally improves conditional coverage properties compared to standard conformal prediction, including class-conditional coverage, coverage over arbitrary subgroups, and coverage over demographic groups.


著者 Jivat Neet Kaur,Michael I. Jordan,Ahmed Alaa
発行日 2025-01-17 12:01:56+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG, stat.ME, stat.ML パーマリンク