To Retrieve or Not to Retrieve? Uncertainty Detection for Dynamic Retrieval Augmented Generation


代わりに、基礎となる LLM に必要な知識が不足している場合にのみ呼び出して取得を動的に実行する方が効率的です。
私たちの調査結果は、Degree Matrix Jaccard や Eccentricity などの不確実性検出メトリクスにより、質問応答の精度がわずかに低下するだけで、検索呼び出しの数をほぼ半分に削減できることを示唆しています。


Retrieval-Augmented Generation equips large language models with the capability to retrieve external knowledge, thereby mitigating hallucinations by incorporating information beyond the model’s intrinsic abilities. However, most prior works have focused on invoking retrieval deterministically, which makes it unsuitable for tasks such as long-form question answering. Instead, dynamically performing retrieval by invoking it only when the underlying LLM lacks the required knowledge can be more efficient. In this context, we delve deeper into the question, ‘To Retrieve or Not to Retrieve?’ by exploring multiple uncertainty detection methods. We evaluate these methods for the task of long-form question answering, employing dynamic retrieval, and present our comparisons. Our findings suggest that uncertainty detection metrics, such as Degree Matrix Jaccard and Eccentricity, can reduce the number of retrieval calls by almost half, with only a slight reduction in question-answering accuracy.


著者 Kaustubh D. Dhole
発行日 2025-01-16 04:56:33+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.IR, H.3.3 パーマリンク