Convex Markov Games: A Framework for Creativity, Imitation, Fairness, and Safety in Multiagent Learning


占有測度よりも一般的な凸の優先順位を許可する凸マルコフ ゲームのクラスを導入します。
無限の時間軸とマルコフ ゲームより厳密に高い一般性にもかかわらず、純粋な戦略ナッシュ均衡は存在します。


Behavioral diversity, expert imitation, fairness, safety goals and others give rise to preferences in sequential decision making domains that do not decompose additively across time. We introduce the class of convex Markov games that allow general convex preferences over occupancy measures. Despite infinite time horizon and strictly higher generality than Markov games, pure strategy Nash equilibria exist. Furthermore, equilibria can be approximated empirically by performing gradient descent on an upper bound of exploitability. Our experiments reveal novel solutions to classic repeated normal-form games, find fair solutions in a repeated asymmetric coordination game, and prioritize safe long-term behavior in a robot warehouse environment. In the prisoner’s dilemma, our algorithm leverages transient imitation to find a policy profile that deviates from observed human play only slightly, yet achieves higher per-player utility while also being three orders of magnitude less exploitable.


著者 Ian Gemp,Andreas Haupt,Luke Marris,Siqi Liu,Georgios Piliouras
発行日 2025-01-16 16:42:59+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.GT, cs.MA パーマリンク