Real-World Evaluation of two Cooperative Intersection Management Approaches


2 つの方法は、それぞれマルチシナリオ予測とグラフベースの強化学習に基づいています。
これは、新しい混合交通シミュレーション フレームワークでの評価と、プロトタイプの接続された自動運転車両による公共交通での実際の走行の評価を実行する最初の研究です。
このシミュレーションでは、自動運転車の 1 つに展開されているのと同じコネクテッド自動運転ソフトウェア スタックを特徴としています。


Cooperative maneuver planning promises to significantly improve traffic efficiency at unsignalized intersections by leveraging connected automated vehicles. Previous works on this topic have been mostly developed for completely automated traffic in a simple simulated environment. In contrast, our previously introduced planning approaches are specifically designed to handle real-world mixed traffic. The two methods are based on multi-scenario prediction and graph-based reinforcement learning, respectively. This is the first study to perform evaluations in a novel mixed traffic simulation framework as well as real-world drives with prototype connected automated vehicles in public traffic. The simulation features the same connected automated driving software stack as deployed on one of the automated vehicles. Our quantitative evaluations show that cooperative maneuver planning achieves a substantial reduction in crossing times and the number of stops. In a realistic environment with few automated vehicles, there are noticeable efficiency gains with only slightly increasing criticality metrics.


著者 Marvin Klimke,Max Bastian Mertens,Benjamin Völz,Michael Buchholz
発行日 2025-01-15 17:58:48+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク