Bootstrapping Corner Cases: High-Resolution Inpainting for Safety Critical Detect and Avoid for Automated Flying


不適切な問題は、検出自体が特殊なケースであるため、適切な、特に大規模なデータ セットを生成することです。
ほとんどのモデルは、記録された航空交通や小型航空機による正面飛行など、生データのグラウンド トゥルースが限られています。


Modern machine learning techniques have shown tremendous potential, especially for object detection on camera images. For this reason, they are also used to enable safety-critical automated processes such as autonomous drone flights. We present a study on object detection for Detect and Avoid, a safety critical function for drones that detects air traffic during automated flights for safety reasons. An ill-posed problem is the generation of good and especially large data sets, since detection itself is the corner case. Most models suffer from limited ground truth in raw data, \eg recorded air traffic or frontal flight with a small aircraft. It often leads to poor and critical detection rates. We overcome this problem by using inpainting methods to bootstrap the dataset such that it explicitly contains the corner cases of the raw data. We provide an overview of inpainting methods and generative models and present an example pipeline given a small annotated dataset. We validate our method by generating a high-resolution dataset, which we make publicly available and present it to an independent object detector that was fully trained on real data.


著者 Jonathan Lyhs,Lars Hinneburg,Michael Fischer,Florian Ölsner,Stefan Milz,Jeremy Tschirner,Patrick Mäder
発行日 2025-01-14 14:21:48+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.LG パーマリンク