この研究では、ドローン、野外観測、ソーシャル メディアからの画像を利用して、洪水検出を支援するためのピクセル単位の水セグメンテーションに関する 3 つの深層学習モデル UNet、ResNet、DeepLabv3 のパフォーマンスを比較しています。
この研究には、既知のベンチマーク データセットを洪水特有の画像で拡張し、モデルの堅牢性を強化する新しいデータセットの作成が含まれます。
UNet、ResNet、DeepLab v3 アーキテクチャは、さまざまな環境条件や地理的位置における有効性を判断するためにテストされています。ここでは各モデルの長所と限界についても説明し、画像セグメンテーション マスクを予測することで、さまざまなシナリオでの適用可能性についての洞察を提供します。
さらに、マルチモーダル データ ソースの統合や洪水検出タスクに特化した堅牢な深層学習アーキテクチャの開発など、将来の研究への道も提示します。
Flooding is a major natural hazard causing significant fatalities and economic losses annually, with increasing frequency due to climate change. Rapid and accurate flood detection and monitoring are crucial for mitigating these impacts. This study compares the performance of three deep learning models UNet, ResNet, and DeepLabv3 for pixelwise water segmentation to aid in flood detection, utilizing images from drones, in field observations, and social media. This study involves creating a new dataset that augments wellknown benchmark datasets with flood-specific images, enhancing the robustness of the models. The UNet, ResNet, and DeepLab v3 architectures are tested to determine their effectiveness in various environmental conditions and geographical locations, and the strengths and limitations of each model are also discussed here, providing insights into their applicability in different scenarios by predicting image segmentation masks. This fully automated approach allows these models to isolate flooded areas in images, significantly reducing processing time compared to traditional semi-automated methods. The outcome of this study is to predict segmented masks for each image effected by a flood disaster and the validation accuracy of these models. This methodology facilitates timely and continuous flood monitoring, providing vital data for emergency response teams to reduce loss of life and economic damages. It offers a significant reduction in the time required to generate flood maps, cutting down the manual processing time. Additionally, we present avenues for future research, including the integration of multimodal data sources and the development of robust deep learning architectures tailored specifically for flood detection tasks. Overall, our work contributes to the advancement of flood management strategies through innovative use of deep learning technologies.
著者 | Sanjida Afrin Mou,Tasfia Noor Chowdhury,Adib Ibn Mannan,Sadia Nourin Mim,Lubana Tarannum,Tasrin Noman,Jamal Uddin Ahamed |
発行日 | 2025-01-14 17:26:02+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google