散乱変換は、畳み込みニューラル ネットワーク (CNN) のモデルとして最初に導入された多層のウェーブレット ベースの変換であり、これらのネットワークの安定性と不変性の特性を理解する上で基礎的な役割を果たしてきました。
その後、CNN の成功をグラフや多様体などの非ユークリッド構造を持つデータセットに拡張することに広く関心が集まり、幾何学的な深層学習の新興分野につながりました。
この新しい分野で使用されるアーキテクチャについての理解を深めるために、いくつかの論文が、無向グラフや境界のないコンパクトなリーマン多様体などの非ユークリッド データ構造に対する散乱変換の一般化を提案しています。
関連するグラフ散乱変換が基礎となる多様体上の散乱変換を近似する、データ駆動型グラフを構築するための 2 つの方法を提案します。
さらに、サンプル点の数が無限大になる傾向があるため、拡散マップ ベースのアプローチを使用して、これらの近似値の 1 つの収束率に関する定量的推定値を証明します。
The scattering transform is a multilayered, wavelet-based transform initially introduced as a model of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) that has played a foundational role in our understanding of these networks’ stability and invariance properties. Subsequently, there has been widespread interest in extending the success of CNNs to data sets with non-Euclidean structure, such as graphs and manifolds, leading to the emerging field of geometric deep learning. In order to improve our understanding of the architectures used in this new field, several papers have proposed generalizations of the scattering transform for non-Euclidean data structures such as undirected graphs and compact Riemannian manifolds without boundary. In this paper, we introduce a general, unified model for geometric scattering on measure spaces. Our proposed framework includes previous work on geometric scattering as special cases but also applies to more general settings such as directed graphs, signed graphs, and manifolds with boundary. We propose a new criterion that identifies to which groups a useful representation should be invariant and show that this criterion is sufficient to guarantee that the scattering transform has desirable stability and invariance properties. Additionally, we consider finite measure spaces that are obtained from randomly sampling an unknown manifold. We propose two methods for constructing a data-driven graph on which the associated graph scattering transform approximates the scattering transform on the underlying manifold. Moreover, we use a diffusion-maps based approach to prove quantitative estimates on the rate of convergence of one of these approximations as the number of sample points tends to infinity. Lastly, we showcase the utility of our method on spherical images, directed graphs, and on high-dimensional single-cell data.
著者 | Joyce Chew,Matthew Hirn,Smita Krishnaswamy,Deanna Needell,Michael Perlmutter,Holly Steach,Siddharth Viswanath,Hau-Tieng Wu |
発行日 | 2025-01-13 18:38:18+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google